Friday, September 14, 2007


Lame excuse, but two of my favorite performers since I saw them live this summer--Bret and Jemaine from Flight of the Conchords'--are using it, and so must I

From their website:
"Members of the band (Jemaine and Bret) have noticed that whenever they are doing things that could be reported on the website, they are too busy to update the website. In addition, whenever the band members have some spare time in which they could update the website, there is usually, as one member put it 'nothing going on'."

I really do have a plan to make this blog so much better, but despite my best intentions it has been pushed aside by priorities like work trips, getting ready for a trip home to Texas (next week!), lots of time with friends, and some face time with a few books.

I hope by the time I get back from Katy, I will be settled and refreshed to write more and really getting started on all the projects I've been thinking and talking about. Don't give up on me yet!

Note: Curious where the word/phrase "cop-out" comes from? Me too.