Keeping that in mind, this postcard she sent me last week seriously left me tickled. She wrote on the back, "I already have dibs on the one holding the cell phone, so you can have your pick of the others!" Dang it. She always wins! Thus, spread eagle dude will have to suffice. :)
Oh, and if you're wondering what the heck the postcard is a picture of, it's the filming of a Bollywood movie. Umm yeah...I had no idea either! Anyone else enjoy the occasional Bollywood flick? I've been addicted since I first saw one in 8th grade geography class. Not for the every day, but they are entertaining!
Certainly, it's not from the place where I'm from!!!!
Ha! That is the one I picked for you, my little early bird!
oh, good! i'll take the one in brown pants!
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