Finally, last week during a late night, wine-induced online shop-athon, I found a screaming deal on a rug from West Elm. It's big enough, blue is safe and livable, and the price was right ( 8'x8' and $90, down from $350!).


I didn't expose the photos right, so the colors in the rug don't appear as saturated as they truly are, but it is pretty, no? It is durable, as well. Three hours in, a full glass of Makers on ice was dropped and shattered right in the center of the rug (I won't name names, but he felt really bad). Cleanup left the rug looking new, however, so no friends were lost. Cheers to 80% wool and 20% cotton blend.
In other news, I finally hit 100 posts!
1 comment:
It's amazing what I rugs can do! I tend to over use them. Your new one is nice. Great colors! Congrats on your 100! :)
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