I'm having an identity crisis. A blogger-identity crisis, to be specific.
I told myself when I began blogging again and started Life Tonic, that I would write about
lifestyle. Though I didn't, and still don't, have much of a
lifestyle to write about, I wanted to blog about cooking, photography, living in Seattle...pretty, sophisticated things. A blog where I could talk about what I have going on whilst sparing myself the embarrassment of divulging details about romances (past, current, and desired), vanity, wishful thinking, and pretty much all other thoughts I manage daily.
Other days, Internet, I want to tell you
everything. The good, the bad, the really bad, and the no-one-cares-but-I'm-telling-you-anyways. I want to profess my love for
Rock of Love and gush to you how elated I was when I heard news of the second season and other important things, like how Brett Michaels should really be with Heather from Season 1 and what
is going on under that bandana??!?
I want to drink a
bottle glass of wine with you and complain about all the things I can't stand about the men in my life and then have you forget so the next day I can tell you how wonderful he/they are and how I couldn't live another day without him/them. Repeat.
I want to reveal that I read Missed Connections on Craigslist way too much even though no one's ever written about me.
I want to post ridiculous pictures of myself and not care if someone disapproves.
I want to write without boundaries.
I'm thinking it's silly to keep my blog semi-focused because let's face it, no one really reads this anyway. On the other hand, how can a blog ever be useful to someone if they are reckless with topics? Are there people out there like me who like to read about someone's personal life as well as cooking and sewing, etc? Will people decide I'm not very sophisticated if I share all those random facts of life? Should I care?
Internet, sorry if I have disappointed and shared too much. Regularly scheduled programming will resume tomorrow.